As promised, here are the two personal improvement backlog items I have chosen to work on this week:

1) As an out of shape, formerly athletic guy in his 50’s, I need to develop an exercise regimen that is realistic for my time availability and current fitness, so that I can feel better about my body and mental balance without injury.
Acceptance Criteria:
- I will be able to readily access my plan from any platform.
- The plan will build towards an event–a 10K
- The plan needs to fit into a work schedule that has unclear morning, evening, or lunch time availability
- The plan needs to take into account that I my cardio and muscular fitness are much lower than I “pretend” they are
- demo will be me already 2-3 days into the regimen and excited about doing more.
Related, but not acceptance criteria: the longer term goal will be to run 5 miles a day, 3 days a week as habit .
2) As a writer of a book on Agile Coaching Metaphors, I need to write 5 pages about building designed alliances with teams so that I can kick start my writing and bring my recent coaching training into the model.
acceptance criteria:
- There will be a short outline to build a start and end connection
- There will be 5 pages that explore why Designed Alliances for teams could be helpful for coaching engagements
- There can be an example dialogue within those pages
- There should be some hook as to how this more “trust-centric” leg fits with the other two legs of the Coaching milking stool.
Next week, I’ll post on how I did with these two stories, tell you how the “sprint reviews” went, list the lessons learned from my retrospective, and list the two new items I’ll be working on in the next sprint